Mittwoch, 25. April 2012



children are too young to understand the full consequent of their actions

children be treated differently than adults (in Germany: until 25 juvenile justice system max. ten years)

unable to control impulses
kids aren´t aware of the consequences of their doing
children can differentiate between bad behavior and serious wrongdoing → it`s important that the criminal law underlines the difference between right and wrong by punishing children who commit crimes
children today are physically and intellectual more advanced → puberty reached earlier → know earlier what they do
children are too young to face trial
enormous pressure
it´s necessary to show criminal children that their actions were wrong → must be punished so that they learn the true costs of their actions
Most countries of the world: 14 (European Union, Russia and even China), 14+ (Philippines, Czech Republic, the Baltics, Portugal) and some even 18 (Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, and Kongo)
if criminal sanctions were not available, children would be more likely to be used to assist older criminals → older brothers or friends would be more likely to to force children to carry weapons → punishment makes it harder for children to be involved in crimes
reparation and rehabilitation should be the aim; not punishment!

hard sentence does not have any effect (75% of delinquents in offenders institutions will commit a crime a again movie “Spiel auf Bewährung”)
determent: they are less likely to commit further crimes in the future if they know that they will receive a punishment, in addition other children are less likely to commit crimes of they know a punishment will follow
education training in prison/ young offender institution gives them a chance to come back into the society one day – according to a study, 43,5 % of criminal children that were treated in a youth offender institution didn`t commit crimes again afterwards
Institution of youth offenders: bad conditions (violence, bullying, sexual abuse, drugs, etc...)

needs of children are more important than the victims feeling
use of therapeutic measures
situation in society:
kids are allowed to drink hard alcohol from the age of 18, are allowed to drive from the age of 18, can watch special movies from the age of 18, some kids in war, so why they should be punished with 12?

Mother/Father of a criminal

Social Worker
Dad of a victim



guaranty, that there is no repetition of crime
after execution: no danger for society any more!

ethically not correct, because with death penalty, the state becomes a murder, too
no chance for the delinquent to show mercy
cheaper than imprisonment
not really cheaper, because between the condemnation and the execution, there are several hearings and trials
the whole process is 6 times more expensive
California: 137 million Dollar/year just for 20-30 executions
religious aspect: “eye for an eye”
Bible shows, that we shouldn´t play god
show mercy like Jesus did
separation of religion and state
step back in to the Medival, we live in a modern society
racist information: 57% of people on “death list” are white
66% of any case, involving a black or hispanic killing a white, led to death penalty
blacks are 5 times more likely to get punished with death penalty
really really small number of people who were killed wrongfully
25 people have been wrongfully executed since 2000
Errors are unacceptable because the death penalty is irreversible
death penalty deters people from committing a crime
contradiction: when someone kills somebody wrong, but the state can kill people without being punished (no role model)
there is no declining number of delicts since the introduction of death penalty because dangerous crimes are committed in the heat of the moment
delinquent doesn´t reflect about death penalty
after a crime, we shouldn´t care about the delinquent, we should care about the victim
we just count the murderers, not the victims
murderers live a safety and confident life in crime while the relatives of the victims are full of sadness and grief
there´s no rehabilitation, no repair, restoration or redemption
no learning process or educative effect
we live in a solidarity
the public isn´t informed correctly and as a result, the people´s opinion concerning prison isn´t right
by killing somebody, we are responsible for another sad family
15,000 murders/year at court, but in 30 years, there were only 1000 executions
victims have to be protected better
California: 137 million Dollar/year for 20-30 executions, but no effect
should spend the money to prevent crime and support the youth, especially to prevent gang fights
prevent murders instead killing murders who are already in prison

Father of a victim
daughter has been raped and killed
just want revenge and justice for kid
worried about kids: death penalty guaranties safety

convinced that death penalty is only way to prevent crime
in my state: no crime because death penalty deters
in a democracy, the state has to do, what the people want and in many cases, that´s death penalty
the task of my government is to protect the society and death penalty is the best way to guaranty that

public pressure and emotions often lead to judgment: death penalty
counsel for the defense appointed by the court is a bad precondition
revenge can´t be the base for a judgment
not revenge or determent should be the aim of the state, justice is the maxim
Human rights activist
the dignity of a human has to be protected
with death penalty, we all become murders (tax payers)
state should be a role model
by killing the delinquent, we can´t reanimate the victim
the right of living isn´t fixed with any conditions


religion aren´t modern, we live in a modern world with modern medicine
religious aspects: nearly all religions refuse abortion
life is a present, given by god
we shouldn´t play god and decide about life and death
in some cases: parents can´t guaranty a good education because they don´t have enough money
parents too young: can´t educate a child because they are a child, too
excessive demands for young parents
there is financial support by the state
a child “destroys” a career (especially for women)
possibility of maternity leave (also for men)
taking a break of 1 or 2 years until the kid can visit a kindergarten
modern medicine offers a possibility we should use, if it´s necessary
routine procedure (no risk for women)
every year: 40 million abortions (20 million illegal)
20 percent of pregnant women do abortions (14 percent in Germany)
surgeries are always risky (in many cases, the uterus has to be removed because of complications → woman can´t get pregnant any more)
brutal surgery
every year: 47.000 women dead because of abortion
in case of rape: child is always the remembrance of the trauma

in case of illness: the child would suffer too much under his disability
we shouldn´t play god
were does it lead when we start selecting the babies we want or don´t want (starts with healthy/ill and ends with brown/black hair)
a big burden for the whole family
not always a burden
it´s a enrichment for the whole family
it´s legal until week 12
after week 12: just in case of abortion or risk for health
2001: 135.000 abortion in Germany (3500 because of rape/health)
killing a human being, even though it isn´t born

big problem: until when is a embryo a human being?
statistic: women, who abort are more self confident than women who give birth to their child, although they don´t really want it

psychological aspect (depression)
it isn´t easy to decide
after abortion: guilty conscience the whole life long
what would be, if I didn´t make this decision?
it isn´t a spontanous decision: you have to reflect at least 3 days before you can do a abortion
Abortion is a ultimate decision, no way back
possibility: adoption

many illegal (back door) abortions (Mexiko → cheaper)

Boyfriend (17) of a pregnant girl
no money for kid
going to school and no time for child
burden for family: parents have to care for kid because I have to go to school
absolutely no risk because it´s a routine procedure
in Germany: the health insurance pays the costs for the abortion, the patient only has to pay the medicine and the anesthesia (500 Euro)
Pregnant Teenager
can´t understand how someone could abort
from the first moment, there are feelings for the baby

Human rights activist
dignity of a human being is more important than someone´s career