→ religion
aren´t modern, we live in a modern world with modern medicine
→ religious
aspects: nearly all religions refuse abortion
→ life
is a present, given by god
→ we
shouldn´t play god and decide about life and death
→ in
some cases: parents can´t guaranty a good education because they
don´t have enough money
→ parents
too young: can´t educate a child because they are a child, too
→ excessive
demands for young parents
→ there
is financial support by the state
→ a
child “destroys” a career (especially for women)
→ possibility
of maternity leave (also for men)
→ taking
a break of 1 or 2 years until the kid can visit a kindergarten
→ modern
medicine offers a possibility we should use, if it´s necessary
→ routine
procedure (no risk for women)
→ every
year: 40 million abortions (20 million illegal)
→ 20
percent of pregnant women do abortions (14 percent in Germany)
→ surgeries
are always risky (in many cases, the uterus has to be removed
because of complications → woman can´t get pregnant any more)
→ brutal
→ every
year: 47.000 women dead because of abortion
→ in
case of rape: child is always the remembrance of the trauma
→ in
case of illness: the child would suffer too much under his
→ we
shouldn´t play god
→ were
does it lead when we start selecting the babies we want or don´t
want (starts with healthy/ill and ends with brown/black hair)
→ a
big burden for the whole family
→ not
always a burden
→ it´s
a enrichment for the whole family
→ it´s
legal until week 12
→ after
week 12: just in case of abortion or risk for health
→ 2001:
135.000 abortion in Germany (3500 because of rape/health)
→ killing
a human being, even though it isn´t born
→ big
problem: until when is a embryo a human being?
→ statistic:
women, who abort are more self confident than women who give birth
to their child, although they don´t really want it
→ psychological
aspect (depression)
→ it
isn´t easy to decide
→ after
abortion: guilty conscience the whole life long
→ what
would be, if I didn´t make this decision?
→ it
isn´t a spontanous decision: you have to reflect at least 3 days
before you can do a abortion
→ Abortion
is a ultimate decision, no way back
→ possibility:
→ many
illegal (back door) abortions (Mexiko → cheaper)
(17) of a pregnant girl
→ no
money for kid
→ going
to school and no time for child
→ burden
for family: parents have to care for kid because I have to go to
→ absolutely
no risk because it´s a routine procedure
→ in
Germany: the health insurance pays the costs for the abortion, the
patient only has to pay the medicine and the anesthesia (500
→ can´t
understand how someone could abort
→ from
the first moment, there are feelings for the baby
rights activist
→ dignity
of a human being is more important than someone´s career
Mittwoch, 25. April 2012
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