→ guaranty,
that there is no repetition of crime
→ after
execution: no danger for society any more!
→ ethically
not correct, because with death penalty, the state becomes a
murder, too
→ no
chance for the delinquent to show mercy
→ cheaper
than imprisonment
→ not
really cheaper, because between the condemnation and the
execution, there are several hearings and trials
→ the
whole process is 6 times more expensive
→ California:
137 million Dollar/year just for 20-30 executions
→ religious
aspect: “eye for an eye”
→ Bible
shows, that we shouldn´t play god
→ show
mercy like Jesus did
→ separation
of religion and state
→ step
back in to the Medival, we live in a modern society
→ racist
information: 57% of people on “death list” are white
→ 66%
of any case, involving a black or hispanic killing a white, led to
death penalty
→ blacks
are 5 times more likely to get punished with death penalty
→ really
really small number of people who were killed wrongfully
→ 25
people have been wrongfully executed since 2000
→ Errors
are unacceptable because the death penalty is irreversible
→ death
penalty deters people from committing a crime
→ contradiction:
when someone kills somebody wrong, but the state can kill people
without being punished (no role model)
→ there
is no declining number of delicts since the introduction of death
penalty because dangerous crimes are committed in the heat of the
→ delinquent
doesn´t reflect about death penalty
→ after
a crime, we shouldn´t care about the delinquent, we should care
about the victim
→ we
just count the murderers, not the victims
→ murderers
live a safety and confident life in crime while the relatives of
the victims are full of sadness and grief
→ there´s
no rehabilitation, no repair, restoration or redemption
→ no
learning process or educative effect
→ we
live in a solidarity
→ the
public isn´t informed correctly and as a result, the people´s
opinion concerning prison isn´t right
→ by
killing somebody, we are responsible for another sad family
→ 15,000
murders/year at court, but in 30 years, there were only 1000
→ victims
have to be protected better
137 million Dollar/year for 20-30 executions, but no effect
→ should
spend the money to prevent crime and support the youth, especially
to prevent gang fights
→ prevent
murders instead killing murders who are already in prison
of a victim
→ daughter
has been raped and killed
→ just
want revenge and justice for kid
→ worried
about kids: death penalty guaranties safety
→ convinced
that death penalty is only way to prevent crime
→ in
my state: no crime because death penalty deters
→ in
a democracy, the state has to do, what the people want and in many
cases, that´s death penalty
→ the
task of my government is to protect the society and death penalty
is the best way to guaranty that
→ public
pressure and emotions often lead to judgment: death penalty
→ counsel
for the defense appointed by the court is a bad precondition
→ revenge
can´t be the base for a judgment
→ not
revenge or determent should be the aim of the state, justice is
the maxim
rights activist
→ the
dignity of a human has to be protected
→ with
death penalty, we all become murders (tax payers)
→ state
should be a role model
→ by
killing the delinquent, we can´t reanimate the victim
→ the
right of living isn´t fixed with any conditions
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